Monday & Tuesday - Fajitas
Wednesday & Thursday - Mexican Chicken Tortilla Soup (by popular demand from Gareth, even though it's a Winter recipe, and it's far too hot to be eating spicy soup at this time of year)
Friday - BBQ steak, sausages, onions, mushrooms and potato salad.
Saturday - BBQ fish, prawns, and green salad.
Sunday - hopefully either Gareth's or my parents (who are both staying with us this weekend) will be able to babysit Jambin so that Gareth and I can go out to dinner to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary.
I'm trying to use up some ingredients in my cupboard, and I'm still feeling that first trimester tiredness, so I'm doubling up on meals to cut down on night-time cooking. I gave my fridge a really good clean-out this afternoon. It was starting to look a little bit scary (and furry!!). I'm grocery shopping this afternoon, so it will be nice to arrive home and be able to put the cold things in the fridge without playing Food Tetris to fit everything in, and trying to avoid aforementioned furry things.
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